Featured Project: Ice Dyed Pillow


  • Fabric (pillowcase, t-shirt, whatever you choose to dye – however it should be a natural fabric such as cotton; Pre-wash if possible to all the dye to absorb more effectively)
  • Gloves
  • Plastic Tub (to catch the melted ice and excess dye)
  • Wire rack
  • Powder fabric dyes
  • Optional Items: Rubberbands (if you want to hold the fabric together once crumpled) and plastic table cloth (if working on a surface that needs protected)


  • Pre-wash fabric in order to allow dye to absorb better
  • Wet fabric and crumple into a ball
  • Place crumpled fabric on the rack over the plastic tub
  • Cover the fabric with ice
  • Sprinkle the fabric dye on the ice (more powder equals darker color)
  • Let the ice melt completely through the fabric
  • Once melted cover the fabric for 8 hours to allow the dye to set
  • Rinse in cold water until dye no longer comes out in the water before machine washing


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